Fennia Data Governance

How AI Roots helped Fennia to succeed in Data Governance development

The value obtained from data is strongly linked to the quality of the data. At Fennia, the development of data quality had been a focus for a long time, and over the years, there had been several attempts to get data management in order. A typical stumbling block in data governance development is that things are developed on a project basis, and taking care of data does not become a permanent organizational practice. Fennia had encountered the same issue and identified the need for a data management model that integrates data management into the organization's overall operations by defining data-related responsibilities within the organization.
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To correct the course, AI Roots offered Markus Ansamaa to Fennia as a temporary Data Governance Manager. The goal of the assignment was to provide clarity on what Fennia aims to achieve in data management, how to reach those goals, and to implement the first development targets in practice so that Fennia can continue independently. As a result of this work, Fennia established its first concrete framework to lay the foundation for the roles, operational models, and cross-organizational responsibilities required for data management. The work continued initially as an internal role according to the agreed plan. The current Data Governance Lead, Nina Pursiainen, has been satisfied with the groundwork Markus has done, which has provided a good starting point for further progress.
Markus has done excellent pioneering work at Fennia by inspiring thoughts on what the organization needs to raise the general maturity level. Those involved in the work have gained an understanding of the various aspects related to knowledge work and what needs to be developed to advance Fennia's data management.

Nina Pursiainen, Data Governance Lead


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